Before you start the Sleep30® Challenge by Sleep Number: a quick, but important, note about caffeine.

One of the first Sleep30® Challenge participants was a woman named Mary, who loved coffee so much she had a tattoo of a latte on her arm. You may feel like Mary. We want to be very clear: We’re not saying coffee or caffeine is bad. We’re saying the time of day at which you consume it absolutely affects your sleep quality. We’re here to help you sleep smarter while still enjoying caffeine.




Why does it matter what time you drink your last caffeinated beverage? First of all, the caffeine molecule competes directly with adenosine, an important neurotransmitter connected to sleep. Furthermore, it takes your body 8 hours to metabolize caffeine. So if you drink a latte or a caffeinated soda at 3 p.m., half the caffeine from that beverage is still circulating in your body at bedtime.

If you're drinking caffeine after noon, you're all but guaranteeing you won't get quality sleep. You may be so tired that you still fall asleep, but caffeine is going to disrupt your sleep and wake you up and/or disrupt your sleep cycles so you wake up more groggy.

Bean There: Sleep Number data shows SleepIQ®; sleepers who drink caffeine late in the evening are least restful and have the highest average heartrates than those who don’t.*** We’re here to help you.